319-325 Kent Street, Maryborough. Phone: (07) 4123 1544
General Information
Clinic Hours
Monday – Friday 8.30am to 5pm
Saturday 8am to 11am
Afterhours call available 365 days a year phone 41231544.
The Monsour Clinic is a mixed billing practice with bulk billing available to the majority of patients. Patients without a valid Centrelink Concession Card (Pension or Health Care Card) choosing to see Dr Monsour or those without a valid Medicare Card visiting the clinic will be charged $75 for a standard consultation.
Appointments can be made by calling the clinic on 0741231544, walk-in appointments are also available at most times. Our clinic always prefers to give patients appointments with their regular doctor, however, at times this is not possible for walk in appointments as the doctor may not be available. Appointments are generally made at 10 minute intervals so please inform the reception staff if you believe you may require a longer appointment. Longer appointments may also incur a higher private fee for those patients who are not bulk-billed, however this will be discussed at the appointment.
Private Medicals and Drug/Alcohol screens will be charged at reasonable prices determined by the amount of time and paperwork involved. Prices generally range from $75 (for a brief medical) to $900 (a full medical with drug and alcohol screening).
Our doctors also perform Minor Procedures on weekdays. As these procedures are invoiced after pathology is received it can be difficult to quote a price prior to the procedure for private patients. For those patients who are billed privately, the invoices will be sent one pathology has been returned, usually approximately a week after the procedure.
Home visits can be arranged by calling the surgery and speaking to your doctor.
Communication Policy
Patients are encouraged to call and speak to staff or doctors when necessary, all calls will first come to the front office staff, and where necessary transferred to a doctor. If the doctor is unavailable, staff will arrange for the doctor to call back when possible. Electronic communications can also be arranged for patients where this is necessary.
Repeat prescriptions can generally be ordered through a phone consultation with the doctor if you have visited the clinic in the previous 6 months.
Doctors will call patients for follow ups to pathology and radiology results, if the results are urgent and a follow up appointment has not been arranged. Less urgent results will be followed up at the next scheduled appointment.
Our clinic can be contacted via email using practicemanager@monsourclinic.com. These emails will then be passed on to the appropriate doctor. Patients may request information to be emailed to them from the practice manager and this will be discussed to arrange the most appropriate communication. The practice always attempts to reply to electronic communications within 24 hours.
Surgery Access
The surgery offers wheelchair and pram access via the disability access lift located in the back corner of the property. Able bodied persons can access the clinic using either of the two sets of external stairs. For those unable to access the clinic on Level 1, we can arrange for doctors to consult in our downstairs consultations rooms. This can be arranged using the intercom at the lift.
In order to provide our patients with the best care possible we require some personal details and a full medical and family medical history to assist in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of your health needs. It is our policy that written consent be provided before the release of any of your information. All of our staff are committed to keeping all information needed by the surgery confidential.
We would love to hear any feedback that you have about your care and treatment at the surgery, both positive and negative. Please feel free to discuss any feedback with your doctor, the practice manager or through written feedback addressed to Dr Michael Monsour OAM.
Any further feedback should be addressed to the Office of the Health Ombudsman:
email: info@oho.qld.gov.au
Phone: 133 OHO (133 646)
Mail: Office of the Health Ombudsman
PO Box 13281
Brisbane Qld 4003
Website: www.oho.qld.gov.au